Saturday, February 7, 2009

What is in a drink?

Tonight, I was at my job, Starbucks, and found myself in a very interesting conversation (interesting to me, anyway). Us baristas are commonly asked if we judge people based on the drink they order. Personally, no, I do not judge someone, but I have concluded that certain drinks have an implied personality, per se. I would like to share my thoughts on this...

Any espresso drink (con panna, macchiato, or straight shots)- this person knows coffee, considering that these are pure espresso shots

Latte, no flavor- not quite the above category, but respectable

Straight coffee- again, respectable...add a shot of we're talkin

Cappuccino or Americano- these are the "higher class" drinks; americanos are better than brewed coffee, and cappuccinos are the fancier version of the latte

vanilla latte- now this, sorry to say, is the boring person, the indecisive one who wants a latte, but with some cover

frappaccinos- this is the one we were a little confused on...this is typically reserved for the children (certain ones have inside names, like the Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers, or the Mickey Mouse...why? Because the kids love them!) but an adult ordering one? The conclusion was that, although not a true coffee drinker's drink, these were ok...add a shot? That's much better

1 comment:

  1. Who knew! I work at B&N periodically, and I just order my coffee neat, unless I need the extra boost of a shot.

    Good, I'm a respectable coffee drinker!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
